How to Paint the Outside of My House
the exterior of your house every few years is an important step in
maintaining its visual appeal. A good paint job can also extend the life
of your home's siding and trim, saving you money in the long term.
Getting the job done right involves more than just applying a new coat
of paint to your home's exterior. It requires careful planning and prep
work. Follow the steps outlined in this guide and you will achieve
professional-looking results.
Steps for Painting Home Exteriors
- 1Determine what color you want to paint your house. Your local paint dealer should have a variety of sample colors to choose from. If you want to keep the same color, bring a small piece of your siding and trim with you and your local paint store dealer should be able to match it.
- 2Estimate the amount of paint you will need to complete the job. The precise formula used will vary depending on the type of surface you are painting, but the process typically involves determining the square footage of the area to be painted. Consult with your local hardware or paint store to find exactly what formula you should be using.
- 3Use a scraper to remove any loose old paint from the surfaces you will be painting. Place a drop cloth beneath you to collect paint chips. The use of a drop cloth sounds good but in reality it does not work very well. The only time I use a drop cloth is when I want to cover shrubs, plants, sidewalks,decks and patios. You can catch the majority of the paint chips and then just fold them up in the drop cloth and shake them out in a trash bag( a big one).
- 4Fill any holes and cracks in your siding and trim using an appropriate filler or caulk. I like to use 35 year latex caulk. There is silicone that says it can be painted but it is very difficult to use, cost more and is in my opinion,"not the product to use". I also like to use "DAP crackshot " to fill in any holes. It can be painted, sanded and is high performance.
- 5Remove any mold or mildew using a bleach-water solution or a professional-strength remover.
- 6Sand all surfaces to be painted smooth using sandpaper. Employ a power pad sander to save you time and energy. do not use a belt sander! Few people can control the monster and most house exteriors are not smooth to begin with so don't try and make them smooth.
- 7 Clean all surfaces to be painted using a brush or power washer. Use the power washer only in extreme conditions. It is very powerful and can damage your house siding. Usually you can just take a broom and brush off the house siding. As long is there is not any oil or grease on the surface you can prime and paint it.
- 8 Apply the first coat of primer, let it dry according to manufacturers instructions and then apply a second coat of primer. The primer can be mixed with exterior paint at a ration of one to one. So if you find some exterior paint at a bargain price like an "OOPS" paint at your paint store ,"GET IT". It is going to be covered up with your good exterior paint. The primer is used to seal the house and provide a sound surface for your paint. This will make your paint job last much longer.
- 9Apply a first coat of finish paint. The use of an Airless paint sprayer will really help you in both the priming and painting application process. Check in to how much it would cost you to purchase one. It will pay for itself in the time it saves you. Airless paint sprayers put so much product on the surface that your second coat will only be a very light coat and basically to paint the spots you missed with your first coat.
- 10Apply a second coat of finish paint. Light coat if using an airless. You will still need to brush some areas of the house. Be sure to get a good 4" brush with lots of bristles (Nylon/Polyester).
- 1
Tips & Warnings
Additional tools that you will find helpful are:1. Masking Machine( you will find them at The Home Depot or Lowes or Ace Hardware) cost about $50.00 but well worth it.
2. 1" masking tape and 9" masking paper ( both used on the masking machine)
3. House scraper and Wire Brush
4. A good step ladder and a good extension ladder. ( Try the "Little Giant". It is both an adjustable step ladder and can be used as a 22' extension ladder. It is solid and will not throw you off like a cheap aluminum ladder will do. Aluminum step ladders are almost alive and wild unbroken horses.
5. Box your paint. That means mixing as many gallons together as you can, usually 5 gal. and then keep adding to to bucket as you use it. This will make the color from one can to the next blend. Then you won't see the difference from one gal. to the next gal. There is always, "Always", a slight difference that can be seen if you do not mix the gallons together.
- A variety of scraping tools are available on the market today, each designed for dealing with different situations you may encounter while removing old paint. No one scraper is likely to do it all, so purchasing multiple scrapers can make the job a lot easier. When painting, start at the top and work your way down so any paint drips won't land on a surface you've already painted.
- Never paint a wet surface, and always check the weather before you start to paint. You should paint only when dry, sunny weather is forecast for the next 24 to 48 hours. Inhaling paint dust and fumes is hazardous to your health. Always wear protective gear, including safety goggles and a dust mask when scraping and sanding, and a vapor mask when painting. Homes built prior to 1980 may contain hazardous lead paint, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Test old paint to make sure it is not made from lead. If lead paint is present, do not proceed on your own. Contact a professional who can remove lead paint safely.
As a professional with 38 years of experience I have painted a wide variety of house surfaces. Some good and some bad.
People always ask, " How long will it take?"
first response if they are going to be painting the house themselves
is" It's all relative". In other words, "How many of your relatives
will be helping you". My next response is a series of questions, " How
big is the house, One story or two, How tall is it, How much surface
will be painted, How many colors?
But here is a rule of
thumb," A one story house with end gables about 24 feet tall that has
easy access all around (not too many bushes) and of a size of about
2,000 sq. feet. You should be able to paint the house in 5 to 7 days.
But they will be full days. At least 6 hours of continuous work each
One more bit of advice: Do one side of the house at a
time. Scrape it, repair it, caulk it, prime it and paint it. Then move
on to another side. This will educate you about what you will need to
do on each side and it will give you a goal that is attainable. If you
get called off of the project it won't look so bad and you will have a
definite place to start when you get back to it.
I know you
will be successful with your painting project. Professionals make it
look easy and it is for them. The homeowner will not get as good a
result as the professional but that is why you hire the professional.
However, the homeowner can do an amazing job if they are willing to take
their time and follow the steps we have outlined. DO NOT SKIP ANY OF
Ken Rader Interiors L.L.C. -- Painting Northwest Arkansas Beautiful, “ One house at a time”.
Serving Northwest Arkansas and the greater Fayetteville, Springdale, Rogers and Bella Vista area.
Professional Painters since 1987.
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Ken Rader
Ken Rader Interiors L.L.C. -- Painting Northwest Arkansas Beautiful, “ One house at a time”.
Serving Northwest Arkansas and the greater Fayetteville, Springdale, Rogers and Bella Vista area.
Professional Painters since 1987.
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Ken Rader
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