Friday, March 2, 2012

How to pick the perfect color for my walls

Choosing what color scheme to paint your walls appears like it ought to be such an unproblematic choice. In fact, if somebody were to ask you what your favorite color is, you wouldn’t hesitate before informing them it’s blue-green, royal blue, or whatever you’re favorite color is. Hence, why is it when we try figuring out a color to garnish our home with, we rapidly freeze up, incapable of making a choice. We look over color sample after color sample on the wall. And there they live for days, weeks, even months, “checker board monuments” to our indecisiveness.

So how do we get out of this self inflicted color scheme immobilization?

1. To begin with, we have to remind ourselves that no matter what color we choose, it can always be changed.  Even if you decide on the deepest tint of blue you could find, one can still paint over it, it merely requires a few more coats of paint, or the new paint/ primer products, no big deal.

2. Second, don’t make the decision on your own. If you have a neighbor whose house you find irresistible for the reason that they did such a wonderful job designing it, ask for their guidance. Or break open a number of interior decoration textbooks or magazines and check out rooms and color schemes that you enjoy.  Very important, Keep a close lookout for rooms that have home furniture or accessories that are similar to the space that you will be painting.

As soon as you hit upon a space that you like, regardless of whether it is in a friend’s residence or a magazine, attempt to choose why you like the room. As an illustration, I might be fond of Bathrooms, but why do I like Bathrooms? Is it due to the fine orderly appearance? Or is it, the tiled walls. Maybe it is the flooring? Is it the luxurious accessories? Or is it due to the shade of color?

If you’re still having a tough time deciding if it’s the room’s color scheme or the room’s frills and furniture that you love, look at the color scheme. You can find a range of color schemes. You can do an,” extra look”, at the room or picture and just look at the colors. There is the color scheme for the room. Because you are taking a look at the real colors being used for the room, it’s a great deal simpler to determine if it is the colors or the accessories that you are fond of.

But, if you are nonetheless having problems determining colors for your walls, study up on some ,”decision making articles”, that are on the net.  Articles or pictures in magazines are wonderful. Chances are it’s not just wall colors that you have a tricky time deciding on. You might have some more ingrained reasons that are stopping you from committing on any choice, even one as simple as what color to paint the walls.

I picked up a folder at,”The Home Depot”, that featured color trends for 2012.  It listed four.
1. Safari

2. Santa Fe
3. Kids Room’s

4. Neutrals

The color choices were quite interesting.  They offered suggestions regarding colors and textures of accessories and furnishings. Good advice and a great place to start.

You can also go through your favorite clothing store.  As you walk through, look at the colors that are popular.  These will also be popular in paint colors.  Perhaps they have a window treatment area of the store.  Look at what is new and popular.  You might find that the colors you like are actually “Faux Finishes”. A Whole New World of colors and textures. And believe it or not, they are FUN!!

When you finally pick your color, you will also need to pick the sheen of the paint.  For walls, please don’t go any shinier than Satin. Less shine will give depth and a more soothing feel and look to the room.

You will finally pick your color.  Take your time and focus on what really catches your eye about a room.  Have fun with it.  If you have close friends, bring them in for wine, cheese and an evening of looking at color swatches.

Painting a room can give the room a new lease on life and helps us emotionally and mentally. And, you really do not have to do the painting yourself.  Hire a professional.  The majority of,” professional painters”, are great people who will help you attain the look you want for your room.
If you are in the Northwest Arkansas Area give us a call.
  “Ken Rader Interiors L.L.C.”
You can also visit our web site (www., where you will find more advice and help in other areas of “Home Improvement”.  Follow us at ( )

During these tough economically times, painting a room can be a cheap way to make a big change in your home. 

As always, Happy Painting

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